====== Code Team and FRC Programming ====== You can find almost all functions you need in [[https://docs.wpilib.org|WPILib]]. To get started in code, read [[control:code:tutorial|the tutorial]] (and the more detailed ones linked there). For more on [[https://github.com/Team1452|our GitHub organization and repositories]] (or Github in general https://docs.github.com/en) review those sections. For an in-depth course on control theory and programming in FRC, read [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/13ECnCy5eurx3HQHczkHztOiHIKDesSOw/view?usp=sharing|this book]]. [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1heW6XUMoV6K-dGOBgiK3b0JhIutB0yVMuv2yKDGUZdo/edit?usp=sharing|Onboarding presentation]]