The Omnicats have a long-held history of strong Competitive Analysis. However, in recent years, we have not used this extremely beneficial tool. At its core, competitive analysis is the understanding of the competition. This includes game strategy, for both driver control and autonomous. It includes making an effort both during the season and the off-season to connect with other teams and robots.

This also includes scouting, a lost art that can only open doors for us. Following the qualification matches and before single-elimination playoffs, alliance selection takes place. However, in order to be selected, it is imperative that we stand out.

We've tried a variety of comp analysis strategies, and been successful to various degrees. Google forms/sheets have been the surveying method of years past, but due to not documenting the knowledge of operations, we struggle each year to continue this. We are now looking to current team members of all grades to help out in deciding the new system that will be used to asses other robots' drive, mech, and code capabilities.

Making our team and robot capabilities known to potential alliance partners is one of the most important things that we can do at regional competitions - other than doing well in match play, of course. Therefore, we would like to make a sizable increase in emphasizing comp analysis as a target for this upcoming season. Now housed under the purview of the Business team, led by COO Sean Champa, the Competitive Analysis division will be piloted by Truman Pauley.

Truman is an FRC veteran, and will make an effective Lead. Drawing on experience working with the mechanism team, while having CAD and code knowledge, Truman will both represent Team 1452 to other teams and organize our eventual database of other teams' capabilities.

Competitive Analysis is a fast-growing subteam, and is looking for new members and new ideas.